
of "Fill in the Gaps"

The idea of this project was to give youth from different european countries the tools to carry out youth exchange projects in the frame of the Erasmus + (KA1) programme of the European Union with a focus on inclusion and active participation of youth with geographical and social obstacles in Europe.
The Training Course (TC) consisted of a first international experience for young people (youth leaders, volunteers, youth workers, etc.) active in their local organisations / communities, interested in developing international youth exchanges in line with the quality standards of the Erasmus + programme and taking into consideration the specific needs of their local realities.
As follow up of the TC participants were supposed to organize youth exchange projects in various European countries and to compile an user friendly toolkit to multiply the experience and competence at local level within their organizations and communities.

Aims and Objectives

of "Fill in the Gaps"

The main aim of the TC was developing competences in project management of youth exchanges for youth leaders and animators active in their local contexts facing geographical and social obstacles such as rural areas, disadvantage suburbs, high rate of youth unemployement etc.

Specific objectives:

Training – providing training on specific themes for future youth exchanges, such as:

The European dimension of a youth exchange
How to prepare, develop and evaluate youth exchanges
How to adapt programme activities of a youth exchange to local target groups
How to facilitate the follow up of a network created during a youth exchange
Intercultural learning as a tool for better interpersonal understanding
Active participation of youth with geographical and social obstacles in European mobility programmes

Information – providing necessary information on:

The Erasmus + programme as a way to know different realities of youth in Europe
Exisisting European networks and platforms for youth mobility and training in Europe
European trends and good practices in Europe addressing social and geographical disadvantage in Europe today

Exchange of experiences

Enriching the intercultural process by ensuring a space to exchange and discuss individual experiences
Facilitate the interaction among local good pracitces

Intercultural Learning – providing partipants knowledge, skills and attitudes to:

Understand "what is it" and "why" intercultural learning is an important approach in developing youth exchanges
Be able to put into practice intercultural learning methods
Promote strategies for intercultural learning approaches and activities within their local organisations / communities
Discuss perceptions and stereotypes
Facilitate group dynamics and communication

Methodology and Programme

of "Fill in the Gaps"

The TC methodology was participant-centred; working methods were varied and interactive in order to ensure a balance between theory and practice.
Working groups were combined with theoretical inputs and visits to local organisations.

The programme focussed on the following topics:

Erasmus +: Introduction, background, the actions of the programme with focus on KA1
European dimension of a youth exchange: Europe: concepts, reality, institutions and policies
Intercultural Learning
Methods and approaches in youth exchanges
Project Management: aims, objectives, methodologies and follow up
Evaluation: evaluation of all phases of a youth exchange project
Group Dynamics: team building activities, study cases and conflict resolution
Inclusion of youth from social and disadvantege territories: study visits in local communities, develop projects on group needs

Project Partners

and Organizers of "Fill in the Gaps"



City Council of Saluzzo




Nezavisna udruga mladih

Nezavisna udruga mladih

Asociacija Aktyvistai

Asociacija Aktyvistai (Facebook)

Dinamik Gelişim Derneği

Dinamik Gelişim Derneği

DeM - Deneyimsel Eğitim Merkezi


Netzwerk ROPE e.V.


Curba de Cultură

Curba de Cultură


zum Projekt "Fill in the Gaps"

Fotogalerie International Training Course "Fill in the Gaps" Saluzzo / Italy | 16.-23.06.2015


Fill in the Gaps wurde unterstützt durch das EU-Programm JUGEND IN AKTION

Innerhalb von Erasmus+ ist JUGEND IN AKTION das Förderprogramm für alle jungen Menschen im Bereich der nicht formalen und informellen Bildung.
Junge Menschen sollen über das Programm wichtige Schlüsselkompetenzen für ihre persönliche und berufliche Entwicklung erlangen. Junge Europäerinnen und Europäer sollen Lust bekommen, die Zukunft der EU mit zu gestalten. Solidarität und Toleranz über Grenzen hinweg will das Programm wecken und jungen Menschen somit das Gefühl einer aktiven europäischen Bürgerschaft vermitteln.