Project Content

True Participation is the Key Factor

What makes projects in extra-curricular youth work successful? Of course, the depth of experience in operations. Of course, the abiltiy to create coherent offers and contents. But first of all, it is about a responsible commitment to live true participation with those who should gain benefits and perspectives from such projects: with young "disadvantaged" people.

Instead of prescribing programs it is crucial to focus on the individual abilities and talents, on the cultural and social backgrounds, on the needs and expectations of young people. And, they must be actively integrated at any stage. The quality of these elements defines the philosophy of the multi-national project "E.A.S.Y. – European Activities to Strengthen Youth" that is concepted for a three year period.

The overall target is promoting young people – within their local environment and within an intercultural ambience – to widen and strengthen their personal, social, cultural, economic outlooks and competences. To achieve this long-term goal matching local "attractors" are a prerequisite. Such small scale projects are designed to reach young people, to gain acceptance as well as to secure reliability in an "easy" to join, "easy" to understand, and "easy" to identify way.

Project Uniqueness

A Project of its Own: Authentic Culture

If it is strategic or conceptional work, preparing specific actions or project content, public affairs or logistics: no matter what the challenge and task is, E.A.S.Y. was and will be designed in direct cooperation with the recipients: the disadvantaged young people. Their input and their ideas drive the project, while the involved organizations act as comitted enabler and supporter.

Classic project conditions are literally turned upside down when young people advise and train their coaches in implementing their proper action steps instead of being advised and trained through pedagogic professionals. In fact, it is a project of its own to favour authencity in such a way that in the end processes and methods are aligned to fully meet the expectations placed on E.A.S.Y..

The E.A.S.Y.-concept of authentic culture is realised at all levels and in all areas, making sure that the target group exactly gets what is needed. This approach consequently goes beyond the dutch “V.I.P.” approach where more mature youngsters with “street-credibility” used their experience to gain access to so-called “closed circles” within the youth scenery and to take responsibility on their own.

Project Partners

from six countries

IKAB e.V. – Germany
Institute for Applied Communication Research in Non-formal Education


Youth Exchange Agency – Lithuania
Youth Exchange Agency (JAMA) isa non-profit / non-governmental organisation based in Vilnius

Youth Exchange Agency

Association for Children and Young People CHANCE – Poland
CHANCE is a non-governmental organisation bearing the status of the organisation of public benefit from Głogów


TribesNETribes – Scotland, United Kingdom
TribesNETribes is an International youth organisation promoting peace & harmony using new media & the arts as a tool


Inter Europa – Spain
Inter Europa is a community action association created in 2003 by a team of multidisciplinary professionals in Logroño

Inter Europa

GIOSEF (Giovani Senza Frontiere) – Italy
Giosef promuove l’inclusione e la partecipazione giovanile in tutte le sue forme e a tutti i livelli



PDF | 33 KB

Abschlussbericht zur Auswertung: self-assessment V.I.P.
von Dr. Hendrik Otten

Entsprechend den generellen Zielen des Projektes E.A.S.Y. galt als Vorgabe für die Realisierung der projektbegleitenden Evaluierung die Sicherstellung eines möglichst hohen Grades aktiver Beteiligung der teilnehmenden Jugendlichen und die Anwendung von Verfahren, die ihnen diese Beteiligung "easy" machen sollten.

Daraus die Entscheidung, dass "Kontrolle" über Lernzuwachs als Prozesserfolgskontrolle soweit wie möglich durch die Jugendlichen selbst erfolgen sollte. Bereits hier den Hinweis, dass in der Gesamtschau dieser Ansatz richtig war, jedoch einige Jugendliche mit der Methode Selbstevaluierung – trotz sorgfältiger Einführung in den entsprechenden Evaluierungsbogen – offensichtlich überfordert waren. Aus der Auswertung der Bögen lässt sich schließen, dass die Überforderung, zumindest für den größeren Teil der Jugendlichen, ihre Ursache weniger inmangelndem Verständnis als eher in fremdsprachlichen Defiziten hatte, wir kommen hierauf zurück. [...]

E.A.S.Y. Evaluationsbericht 2009

E.A.S.Y. Booklet Series Vol. 1

PDF | 16 MB

Deluxe Edition – Starter Conference Mühltal / Germany – 25.02.-02.03.2007 | Mission accomplished – The complete Report

The E.A.S.Y. Booklet Series has been created thanks to authors from the E.A.S.Y. Centre of Excellence (CoEx) and V.I.P.s from Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Spain and the UK.

Editing & Layout: Sven Rasch | Photos: Christoph Klinger, María Peralta, Sven Rasch, Roxana Meechan

E.A.S.Y. Booklet Series Vol. 1

E.A.S.Y. Booklet Series Vol. 2

PDF | 29 MB

V.I.P.-Training Course – Bonn / Germany 20.-29.07.2007 | Midterm Conference & V.I.P.-Training Course – Logroño / Spain 20.-28.03.2008 | Final Conference – Berlin / Germany 10.-14.12.2008

The E.A.S.Y. Booklet Series has been created thanks to authors from the E.A.S.Y. Centre of Excellence (CoEx) and V.I.P.s from Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Spain and the UK.

Editing & Layout: Sven Rasch | Photos: Christoph Klinger, María Peralta, Sven Rasch, Roxana Meechan

E.A.S.Y. Booklet Series Vol. 2

E.A.S.Y. Booklet Series Vol. 3

PDF | 22 MB

Głogow Living Library 2008 | European Youth Summit 2008 | Two more Local Attractor Projects 2008 | Ten Tips to work with Young People

The E.A.S.Y. Booklet Series has been created thanks to authors from the E.A.S.Y. Centre of Excellence (CoEx) and V.I.P.s from Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Spain and the UK.

Editing & Layout: Sven Rasch | Photos: Christoph Klinger, María Peralta, Sven Rasch, Roxana Meechan

E.A.S.Y. Booklet Series Vol. 3

E.A.S.Y. Booklet Series Vol. 4

PDF | 26 MB

E.A.S.Y. Methodology revisited: The V.I.P. Approach (evaluated) | Participatory Needs Analysis

The E.A.S.Y. Booklet Series has been created thanks to authors from the E.A.S.Y. Centre of Excellence (CoEx) and V.I.P.s from Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Spain and the UK.

Editing & Layout: Sven Rasch | Photos: Christoph Klinger, María Peralta, Sven Rasch, Roxana Meechan

E.A.S.Y. Booklet Series Vol. 4


zum Projekt E.A.S.Y.

Sirtaki with Alex (1)

Sirtaki with Alex (2)


E.A.S.Y. – European Activities to Strengthen Youth wurde unterstützt durch das EU-Programm JUGEND IN AKTION

Innerhalb von Erasmus+ ist JUGEND IN AKTION das Förderprogramm für alle jungen Menschen im Bereich der nicht formalen und informellen Bildung.
Junge Menschen sollen über das Programm wichtige Schlüsselkompetenzen für ihre persönliche und berufliche Entwicklung erlangen. Junge Europäerinnen und Europäer sollen Lust bekommen, die Zukunft der EU mit zu gestalten. Solidarität und Toleranz über Grenzen hinweg will das Programm wecken und jungen Menschen somit das Gefühl einer aktiven europäischen Bürgerschaft vermitteln.

JUGEND in Aktion